A slot machine, a fruit machine, a one-armed bandit – whatever name you choose to give it, it is safe to say that we are all extremely familiar with the concept of the classic slot game. Whether you are at a casino, a pub, or even in the comfort of your own home gaming at sites such as Barbadosbingo , it is easy to access and play slot games today. The slot game is a long-standing fan favourite, loved and played by many on a daily basis, but few actually know its origins. So, where did it all begin? In Brooklyn, New York, in 1891, Sittman and Pitt invented a gambling machine, considered now to be the very first slot machine. Slightly different to the classic slot machines that we know and love today, Sittman and Pitt’s was poker-based and involved no element of direct payout – instead, the owner of the bar or establishment would reward winners with free drinks or cigars, depending on how good the winning hand was. Liberty Bell Slot Machine In an aim to develop Sittman and Pitt’s ma...