Along with things like cufflinks , a collar clip is one of a small handful of men’s jewelry items that can be worn to add a bit of visual interest while still remaining true to classic men’s style. But where cufflinks, pocket squares , neckties, and other items are commonly worn by many well-dressed men, a collar clip is something that you’re not going to see quite as often. So if you know how to wear one, well, you’ll truly be able to stand out from the crowd. Even if you’ve never worn them yourself, you may still be familiar with them, of course. If you’ve watched stylish TV shows like Mad Men or Boardwalk Empire , for example, you’ll see that many men wore collar jewelry to accentuate their tie knots and give a special extra bit of panache. So, to emulate those earlier styles or just add a bit of extra flair to your more modern outfits , read on to learn about how to wear collar clips well. The characters of HBO’s Boardwalk Empire frequently sport collar clips. Collar Jewe...