Beard gives a rugged look to boys , and as per many, it is synonymous to power. But, it’s a natural phenomenon, and while some are blessed with that rugged look, some need to put in some extra effort to get it. As boys start growing up into men, few common thoughts come up in their mind: will I have a beard? If yes, when? If no, then how to grow a beard? How Long Does It Take to Grow A Beard? In case you think that the growth pattern of your beard is the same as your hair, then let me correct you; it is not exactly the same! There are a few basic differences between your scalp hair and your facial hair. Though your facial hair grows at a faster rate than your scalp’s hair, its growth does not start till you reach puberty. Whereas, your scalp hair starts growing even before you are born. The hormones triggering the growth of beard become active when you reach puberty, and thus they prompt the growth of your facial hair. Till that happens, you will not be able to grow a beard. ...