Most people might assume that a motorbike is cheaper to run than a car. However, things really aren’t that simple at all, especially when factoring in things like insurance, makes and models, maintenance costs, and even just the amount of usage per vehicle. Answers vary considerably from vehicle to vehicle, driver to driver. Still, is there a way to put a finger on any kind of conclusive answer here? Well, below are a few things to consider that may shed light on a few general differences here. Insurance Criterions Generally, bikes are cheaper to insure, personal circumstances allowing. Cars are larger and have far more components, especially when compared against bikes that aren’t modified. This means there are more chances of things like accidents, breakages and internal faults occurring, with more potential for significant damage. There’s also the case that new drivers also experience a tough time with insurance premiums too, often getting swindled and borderline robbed out of ...